
Tuesday, 16 July 2013

G'day and Welcome!

fo·gram  [foh-gruhm]  

an old-fashioned or overly conservative person; fogy.
Also, fo·grum.

1765–75; origin uncertain

G’day all and welcome to my blog!

My name is Blundy and I was born and raised in the Ottawa Valley, at least what we call the ‘Quebec Side’ that is. I am of Franco-Irish decent and have always had a deep love for my homeland which is affectionately known simply as D’Valley. Sure there are plenty of valleys which permeate the Canadian landscape, but as far as I am concerned only one of them can be The (D’) Valley.

As for myself, I have been a practicing Germanic Heathen (Pagan) for a fair number of years and relish in the growth and development of modern day reconstructed Germanic belief. Over the years I have worked diligently and with much zeal to better and strengthen the Heathen communities of my region. I consider this a duty and a privilege and have gotten much out of this endeavor.

Though this blog focuses upon another aspect of myself, one which I consider much closer to home. It is dedicated to what I consider Ottawa Valley Fogrumy… a term that I apply to my own mix of personal attitudes, values, behaviours and beliefs. In short my worldview. There is no word to envelop what it means to draw upon the folklore, superstition and culture of the elder generation. Oftentimes I have heard such old ways as being that of an old fogy… which is what it means to be a fogrum. Though the origin is uncertain, it is generally accepted by a number of sources that the origin of the word is Scottish. Given that the Valley was densely populated by Scots after the settlement efforts of the Last Laird MacNab, such a title was commonly heard spoken by the local elders.

What is usually meant by fogrum, somewhat deviating from the above description, is ‘backwards and old fashioned… set in their ways’. I think that aptly describes what I aim to achieve. I hope to be as ‘backwards’, ‘old fashioned’ and ‘set in my ways’ as the elders of the Valley were before me. Not because I feel a deep sense of romanticism/fantasy of what it meant to be a fogy from the Valley… no precisely the opposite. I am driven to understand their worldview and the mysteries of their ways. Why it was they believed the things they did and what those things were on a deeper level.

What you will find on this blog will be varied and although there will be much information concerning life in the Valley and much use of its dialect(s), mostly it will be the deep psychological, folkloric, religious and spiritual elements of such information that will be showcased. As I am a heathen, Germanic polytheist, how I interpret this information will be different from how others see things. I consider what I do to be cunning work, spiritual and at times otherworldly.  Though I do not consider myself a ‘witch’ for a number of reasons. I gain ‘revelation’ and inspiration through my works with my land and the many beings on and around it, books by Joan Finnigan, stories told by old-time fogies and the folklore of my roots. Let this place be an exploration of all these things, through my eyes.

Tankya kindly,


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